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18" Peacock Balloons are punch balls with beautiful peacock feather patterns. These gorgeous balloons are durable and hand crafted one by one using our own special techniques. We have created five beautiful colors: red, blue, orange, green, and purple.

Peacock Balloon, blue Peacock Balloon, orange Peacock Balloon, green Peacock Balloon, purple Peacock Balloon, red
Peacock Balloons 50 pcs

Peacock Balloons
50 pcs

Item Peacock Balloons 50 pcs
Contents Peacock Balloons  50
(assorted five colors)
Rubber strings for punch balls  50
Quantity/carton 20 bags
Weight (gross/net) 18 kg/17 kg
Carton Size W34 cm x H28 cm x D44 cm

Gold & Silver

Peacock Balloons Gold & Silver
Product Information will be available soon. Contact us for details.

Peacock Balloons Gold Peacock Balloons Silver 約45cm

How to Tie A Peacock Balloon

Tie the balloon neck, put a rubber band around the neck, push it through the loop, and pull it up tightly.

Repeat ①〜③ two times.

How to Tie a Peacock Balloon: step 1 How to Tie a Peacock Balloon: step 2 How to Tie a Peacock Balloon: step 3